Veranstaltungen & Termine



The practical handbook for social and corporate conduct in the real estate industry for the CSR initiative is geared towards companies from the entire sector, as well as other industries which would like to effectively shape this social and corporate engagement. To this end, there are numerous practical tips and descriptions of particularly promising areas of activity and numerous best-practice case studies which encourage companies to emulate them.

Why is the practical handbook valuable to me?

Social and corporate engagement is much more than just patronage and marketing. It is a set of forward-looking guidelines which actively mould social and corporate development, while at the same time reinforcing the company’s competitiveness. Properly implemented, it plays a part in the sustainable alignment of the company in the real estate industry.

To be one of the organisers and pioneers in this area, it is important to have an appropriate strategy and a tool kit to enable you to develop, implement, evaluate and communicate high-quality programmes. The practical handbook offers you specific orientation advice to do this.

What exactly will I find in the practical handbook?

There are 100+ pages where you will learn about the added value of assuming social and corporate responsibility in the real estate industry, and discover different formats of engagement – from donations to corporate volunteering all the way to being a socially-responsible employer – and where you can find helpful quality criteria and success factors for shaping your engagement. In addition, we will introduce you to some important action areas where the real estate industry can dedicate itself in a meaningful way – from the design of its own working environment, to supporting those who are disadvantaged such as refugees, all the way to issues of co-existence in the social environment, for example within the scope of neighbourhood development concepts.

The practical handbook offers numerous practical examples as well as sound advice for implementing your own. It can be used either for guidance, inspiration or as a reference for meaningful social and corporate engagement.

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