Allianz Für Entwicklung und Klima
The Alliance for Climate and Development focuses on the potential of voluntary involvement and the leveraging of CO2-compensation projects in developing and emerging markets.
Bundesinitiative Impact Investing
Die Bundesinitiative Impact Investing möchte in Deutschland Voraussetzungen schaffen, dass zusätzliches Kapital zur Bewältigung sozialer und ökologischer Herausforderungen eingesetzt wird.
Charta der Vielfalt
The Diversity Charter is an employer initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. It was launched in December 2006 and is supported by the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration. ICG has signed the Diversity Charter and supports its goals.
EPRA, the European Public Real Estate Association, is the voice for the listed companies in the European property industry. EPRA was established in 1999, its registered office is in Belgium and it has more than 275 members. EPRA and ICG have exchanged information for many years now.
The International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) aims to promote effective standards of corporate governance and investor stewardship to support efficient markets and sustainable economies worldwide. Its policy positions are guided by the ICGN Global Governance Principles and Global Stewardship Principles.
The International Ethics Standards Coalition (IESC) is an association of more than 150 organisations from around 50 countries and was initiated by the UN. The aim is to establish a standard code of ethics for the real estate industry. The ICG is a founding member and Karin Barthelmes-Wehr is chair of the IESC.
The ÖGNI – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Nachhaltige Immobilienwirtschaft (Austrian Association for a Sustainable Real Estate Industry), is an NGO for the development of sustainability in the Austrian construction and property sectors. ÖGNI has assumed responsibility for the ICG certification system for the Austrian market.
RICS considers itself to be the world’s leading supplier of professional qualifications in the area of property, construction and infrastructure. The organisation was established in 1868 and has around 150,000 members worldwide. ICG and RICS have cooperated closely in Germany for many years, and also continuously exchange information on a global scale.
The Zentrale Immobilien Ausschuss e.V. (ZIA) (German Property Federation) is the umbrella organisation of the German real estate industry. It focuses and represents the interests of its members in an all-encompassing way vis-a-vis the general public, the political establishment and the public sector. As a cooperation partner, the ICG deals with all sustainable, values-based corporate management-related issues for the ZIA.